Be Proud To Be a Fan

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Let Me Take You Down, Cause I'm Going To....

The Beatles.... what a band. I wish I was there back in the 60's watching them play in Germany, polishing their skills at playing live. I wish I was there, at the Cavern in Liverpool, having a glass of beer while they play their hearts out to their early fans before they were famous. I wish I was there to see them receive the MBE from the then, the very young Queen Elizabeth II. And I wish I was there to listen to The Beatles perform live together for the very last time, up on the roof at 5 Saville Row. However these are wishes that can never come true, unless of course a time machine is created. That's the beauty  of life, we can never relive a moment and experience something great the 2nd time. The Beatles realized this, and lived their lives to the fullest, giving great entertainment and producing songs that will be remembered even after they no longer exist.

I've always been listening to the Beatles as long as I can remember and their songs have always accompanied me through the many phases of my life. I remember listening to "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" in the agonising teenage years of puppy love. They were there singing "This Boy" when I was dumped by whom I thought was the love of my life. Then they were there singing "Till There Was You" when I met another girl whom I thought was the love of my life. "Hey Jude" was playing in my head whenever there's a big problem hovering on my head. I'll be whistling "Penny Lane" whenever I miss my hometown and "Across The Universe" will be blasting loudly on the CD player when I am having one to many glasses of whiskey. Of course there are other songs but this paragraph will never end if I continue.

I guess its no secret anymore that I am a big Beatles fan. But let's be clear here, I am not a Beatles fanatic. You'll find lots of them out there, trying to argue which Beatles is better who's the fifth Beatles, and the best Beatles song out there. Don't worry, I will not impose on you all of this. This blog is created so old fans, as well as new fans, will be able to enjoy the songs by the Beatles and perhaps learn a bit more on the songs by The Beatles. I'm no Beatles expert as well so feel free to correct me whenever I am wrong. Ultimately, this blog hopes to convert more fans to appreciate The Beatles through their songs. Enjoy!!!

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